Why Does My Mouth Hurt?

When we complain about mouth pain we usually assume it is tooth related. However, there can be other causes to consider such as:

  • Canker sore or apthous ulcer on gums or tongue
  • Cavity or decay
  • Food impaction (ex. stuck popcorn hull)
  • Fractured tooth due to trauma
  • Grinding teeth can cause sensitivity or muscle pain
  • Infection or abscess
  • Loose teeth
  • Sensitive teeth from enamel erosion or gum recession
  • Sinus or ear infections that are affecting the teeth
  • TMJ or bite issues
  • Tooth eruption/pressure from erupting teeth
  • Infected and swollen salivary gland duct
  • Viral or bacterial infections (commonly associated with children)
  • Soft tissue trauma/abrasion (ex. hot pizza or cheese burn)

To determine the source of discomfort, Dr. Shetty will do a thorough exam of your child’s mouth. She may also request to have an X-ray taken to look at areas below the gums where they cannot use their instruments or clinically see. It is our goal to determine the cause of your discomfort and suggest a comfortable solution.