What Are Sealants?
Should I Get Them?

Almost two-thirds of all dental decay involves the developmental pits and fissures on the occlusal (chewing surfaces) of the posterior teeth.

Sealants are recommended for newly erupted permanent molars. The sealants act like a raincoat and protect or seal the occlusal pit and fissures (deep grooves) from decay-causing bacteria, food debris, and acids. Where sealants are fully retained, dental decay cannot occur.

Sealants have been shown to reduce cavities by 80% compared to teeth that are not sealed. Sealants are quick to place, effective, painless, and require no drilling or numbing medication. They also cost less than a filling or restoration.

In most patients, teeth treated with sealants hold up well under the forces of normal chewing and usually last for several years. Some can even last longer with good oral hygiene and some may need a reapplication of the sealant to continue its protection against decay. Sealants have a tremendous advantage over filling procedures because they are preventative and allow the healthy tooth to remain intact.

Sealants are recommended for all children, even those who receive topical applications of fluoride or who live in communities with fluoridated water. Fluoride helps fight decay on smooth surfaces of the teeth, but it is least effective in the pits and fissures. Sealants are added protection to brushing and flossing. Most sealants release added fluoride where the tooth needs it most and our sealant does NOT contain BPA (Bisphenol A).