TEENAGE PREGNANCY: Should I Still See My Dentist?

Yes! It is incredibly important and absolutely safe to get your teeth cleaned if you are pregnant. The best thing you can do as an expectant mother is to nurture and maintain your own general and dental health.

First of all, tell your dentist that you are pregnant. Keep that communication line open so you can discuss all options and come up with a treatment plan that everyone is comfortable with.

A dental prophylaxis (cleaning) should be performed during the first trimester and again during the third trimester. When you are pregnant, your level of hormones increase, so you are more susceptible to pregnancy gingivitis. When plaque builds up along the gum line, it will irritate the gum tissue causing inflammation. Signs of gingivitis (bleeding, redness, swelling, tenderness) are usually evident in the second trimester and can peak again in the eighth month of pregnancy.

If experiencing morning sickness or acid reflux, rinse your mouth with a cup of water containing a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to neutralize the acidity. Try NOT to brush your teeth for about one hour after vomiting. This will help minimize dental erosion caused by stomach acid exposure.

Your baby’s primary teeth begin forming at about the sixth week of pregnancy. By birth, all 20 primary teeth are almost completely formed. So, if you are pregnant, it is not too early to start thinking about how to make sure your child’s teeth are as healthy as possible. Eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and taking your prenatal vitamin will make sure your baby are off to a great start!